The Right For Children To Have Medical Care

What Does This Right Mean?

All children are allowed to have good medical service if hurt and in need. This right means that if you are hurt really badly, you have the right to go to a hospital and get the good medical care that you need. You can also call an ambulance to come pick you up and bring you to the hospital.

Connection To The Breadwinner


This right connects to the Breadwinner at the start of the story when Parvana’s father broke his leg from the bombing with the Taliban. After the war was over, the father was really badly hurt and he couldn’t go to any place to get better. There where no hospitals and no one really cared that he had got hurt. So his family ended up having to do all the stitching and trying to make him better. Even though he’s not a child he should still have the right to get medical care. That’s how this right connects to the story.

My Personal Reflection

I think that this right is very important to all children because if there was no medical care in the  unknownworld all the hurt kids in wars in other countries would not get better and maybe even die. I’m not just saying for kids in wars, but any kid in any place. Once I was one the monkey bars at a playground near my dads apartment when I was five years old and I fell off the bars. My arms hurt so bad and I was crying so much my dad carried me to the nearby hospital. The doctor said that I broke my arm so I got a cast.

If there were no hospitals, I would have just gotten hurt really badly and I wouldn’t get better.

A Fun But Scary Adventure

The snow blew rapidly fast right at my face and since I didn’t bring my neck warmer to cover the bottom of my face all the snow went down my coat. I was on my way up to the top of the snowy mountain with my dad and my sister on the chairlift with the rest of my family trailing behind us. My fingers were so cold it was almost to the point where I couldn’t move them. When we finally got to the top of the mountain and the wind mostly went away. We looked at the map and decided what trail we were going to go down. I specifically liked the trail we picked because there were a lot of little and big jumps on the side of the trail.

We started skiing down the mountain when we got to the first jump but it wasn’t very big. Every time I go off a jump I get butterflies in my stomach. We were almost down the mountain and I was trailing behind the rest of my family when suddenly… the ground disappeared below me and I dropped down into a snow pit. I fell face first into it and all the snow went into my mouth. I was I tried pulling up one of my skis and shouting help! help! help! But they didn’t hear me. I looked down at my skis and they were in an awkward position that they definitely shouldn’t have been in. One of my skis was almost twisted 360 degrees and my other sky was underneath that one but facing upwards. I was panicking so much I started to cry and I thought my heart was going to pop out of my chest. I just kept trying to pull up my ski and shout. All of my family was already at the bottom of the mountain and they didn’t know I was gone.

Then I looked behind me and I saw a women skiing down so I shouted help! help! She finally noticed me and came skiing over to me. Once she got to me she lifted both of my skis out of the snow. Before I knew it I was straight upright ready to go. I said thankyou to her and I slowly started skiing down to my family. Once I got to them I hugged my dad and told him what happened. The last thing we did before going back to our hotel was go to the restaurant to get hot chocolate and potato skins.

On that trip I learned that sometimes the most fun things that you do can also be really scary and frightening. The reason I got scared after was because my dad tolled me at the restaurant that there was once they’s 2 boys that once were skiing together by themselves. They both fell down into the snow and couldn’t get out and as the days when on snow was piled over them. no one ever found them. i got a little creeped out from that.

All I thought about after that scary incident was please don’t happen ever again.

The Right To Education

This right means that everyone in the world should be allowed to get an education at a school, college, university, or at work. Even if you are of a different religion or race than other people, if you’re rich and can afford to go to school, or if you’re poor and can’t afford, you can still have an education.

I think that the responsibilities of this right are for the government to allow all kids to go to elementary schools for free because if there was a rich kid and a poor kid, only the rich kid would be able to go to school and get an education. Another responsibility of getting an education is if you go to school, you have to respect the students and the teachers by not bullying, by doing the work and homework that you’re supposed to do, and by not goofing around in class. If you can afford school, make use of it so that when you get older you will use all of that information you learned at school in other parts of your life so that you can get a job and do other things. If you don’t do any of the work in school and if you just don’t try at all, when you get older you won’t have that much knowledge to go on in life.

I agree that rich and poor people should all be allowed to get an education and go to school because it wouldn’t be fair if only the poor wouldn’t be allowed to go to school because of their background or how much money they have. I think that education is a big part of your life so that you can get a job and use that information that you learned at school to succeed and be happy.